Friday, May 8, 2009

Me, right now

It's a beautiful day, and I've spent a good portion of it in my office, working away at words, words and more words. I have ten years worth of notebooks and hard copies to transcribe, and it feels like it will take forever. I am not a natural typist.

I need a Bill Whitehead for my Timothy Findley. Someone who can happily and accurately type the words that I best produce in longhand. The life partner aspect of that partnership - well, one can only wish.....

I've been trying to overcome my phobias about taking pictures of myself. Now that I don't weigh three hundred pounds anymore, I am self-critical of baggy skin and out of a dozen shots I took, these are the only two I would dare publish....

Also of office right now, with ten years worth of notebooks in a pile:


My garden, waiting to be planted:


While I was outside, I took a good look at the ground cover that's creeping out from under the fence, and I realized that I didn't need to buy that oregano plant after yard is full of this:

I'm working on editing and transcribing the "award-winner", my 15 seconds of local fame. When I'm done, I'll post it. I'm not so sure about posting my more recent stuff...I wouldn't mind so much if I could protect my posts, but here they are, out in the open. I'm going to try and figure a way around this, so that people who have the time and interest to read my fiction can do so, without it being so public. On one hand, I'd like to reach a wider audience, but on the other, I'm not so sure that Blogger is the way to go....


Anonymous said...

I'm loving your hair color! I had mine touched up yesterday and beh, it's fine and all, but nothing as striking as yours. Lovely. Thanks for sharing.

Earth Muffin said...

You look lovely! Thanks for putting a face with the words!

Anna said...

And it's all natural!


Solo said...

Ditto the first two comments!

To protect your work, you can have your site copyrighted OR provide a link to a different site that you own, apart and away from Blogger. Also, you should consider having the work(s) copyrighted individually. The Copyright office is running waaaay behind due to a computer conversion that began last year (I know...I'm a victim of their molasses movement), but once the request is received, it's pretty much protected. You can also have a 'rush' put on your application for the mere fee of $685 USD!

I, for one, so enjoy reading your words.

Anna said...

Solo - I think under Canadian law anything I create is protected by copyright. I can also give myself extra protection if I mail a copy of my work to myself, and keep the envelope. But whether a publisher would find it acceptable for me to post something here first - I have no idea. Thanks for reading. it means a lot.

Hey Amy - one thing I love is the colour of my hair! I'm not so much down on how I look...but how my pictures turn out. And old habits die hard - I had low self-esteem for many years, and sometimes those negative thoughts come back to haunt me.