Friday, February 13, 2009

a little break

My life is kinda crazy right now.

A good crazy.

A pulling up stakes and moving ten blocks away kind of crazy.

Painting is almost done. I move in a week, and not a single box has been filled. So I have to put blogging, writing and other forms of creative relaxation on the back burner for a week or two, until I get settled into my new space. I haven't been around to comment much either.

I'll be back. With lots to say.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

musical interlude

While you all wait breathlessly for me to upload my before and after shots, please enjoy this bit of musical goodness.

This song always, always makes me cry.

Her concert with Ferron was canceled last week due to illness, but at least I have youtube to console me.

Girls with guitars...what would my life be like without them?

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Sorry. No time to blog. I'm up to my eyeballs in latex...paint...covering walls with tasteful and relaxing shades that do not affect my blood pressure. Things are coming along. I will try to remember the digital camera and post photos from today's adventure.

My kitchen isn't orange anymore!!! Hooray!